Marbled/Banded Newt & Fire Salamander setups



As Promised here are some pics of some of my setups.

These are my Banded Newt tank


These are one of my Marbled Newt tanks


This one houses my pair of Fire Salamanders


And this is the 'Newt Shed' that they are all kept in

Apologies for the reflections in some of the photo's I had a problem with light bouncing off all this glass!
Great pics Damian
Nice to see lots of plants in your set ups.
Plants in terrestrial set ups is one thing I dont have much luck with myself.

Thanx also for posting the pic of your newt shed.
Im looking into transferring some of my set ups into the shed for next winter as my newt room is not getting cool enough through the winter now.
Damian - very nice photos. I like the newt shed a lot
. Do you run power out to it? If so, how?
Hi Damian,
What are the measurements of your tanks?
Thanks in advance, Mark
Hi John
Yes I run power out in the shed,it comes from the garage and runs through conduit along the fence and into the rear of the shed.The conduit(black tube) can be seen running along the fence in the photo,just above the bags of sand(they are for another job I have to do!)
Mark the tank sizes I use are,in inches,36x12x15 and 30x12x15 I also have a couple of smaller 18x12x11 tanks that I use for recently morphed juveniles.
Thanks for that info Damian. That sounds very good. Did you do it yourself? I was wondering how you feel about the idea of writing an article about that. I for one am very interested
John,I didn't wire up the shed myself it was done by a qualified electrician because it needed its own trip switch and anything beyond plugs and light fittings are beyond me!
I did however line all the walls and roof with loft insulation which were then covered by plywood throughout and fit all the shelving at window height which the tanks stand on.
I got the same background image as your first photo.I liked it too. Darn, I wish I HAD A NEWT SHED.

hold.....calling Home Depot now........

Great set ups Damian! And the shed . . . WOW! I was wondering, what is the narrow leaved, grassy plant at the back and left of the marbled newt tank?
Hi Damian,
beautiful pictures! Some questions about your shed: Don't you have problems with temperatures: Isn't such a shed getting very hot when the sun shines on it? Is there some heating inside so it doesn't get too cold in Winter?
I believe the plant in the Marbled tank is Wood Sedge (Carex sylvatica) it seems to grow very well in this situation.
You are right the shed does get very warm in the summer,I have blinds that hang over the windows when its sunny and the windows can be opened as can the two doors.I have a small electric heater that I use during the winter to maintain a temperature of 8-10oC and during this time the windows and doors are fitted on the inside with clear perspex (double glazing) to allow daylight in and help to keep a bit more warmth.
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