What frog/ toads sound good and loud


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Nov 7, 2014
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I'm new to keeping frogs but looking for species that will sing loudly and very often I would appreciate and advise!
Haha!!! I have never heard such a request! I don't know if they will sing often, but Bullfrogs are really loud. Look for a video on YouTube of them calling and you will see. Though they don't sound particularly nice....
Bullfrogs are loud, but from personal experience keeping them....just don't! They are extremely skittish and often leap blindly into the glass when even remotely alarmed. Mine lived in a huge five foot aquarium which wasn't really big enough for the two of them. They will often fight over the best spots to sit and then there's the noise, someone described it as sounding like a constipated cow and I think that's pretty accurate!

Fire bellied toads are a nice species to keep. They do call once established and happy and they are active in the daytime so you can watch them going about their business instead of having something that hides all day or stays inactive in a corner.
Hope this helps.:)
Dart frogs are fun and diurnal also. Not nearly as loud as a bullfrog, but they are gorgeous and some species have a lovely call. Phyllobates Vittatus, P. terribilis, and Dendrobates leucomelas are some species with a louder call. They do take a bit to reach maturity, so if you get juvies it could be a few months to a year before they are old enough to call.
there is a great dart frog for beginers called e. anthonyi. when young there brown with greenish stripes, but when they get older they turn cherry red with yellow stripes and when mature the males call alot its loud and quite beuatiful like a canary. they also breed easily too at least in my opinion, i have had my trio for a year and half now and they have given me about 30 froglets, and counting
Some tree frogs (Hyla) are very loud, and will call throughout the year. I have heard H. meridionalis from more than half a mile away. I've been tempted to keep H. arborea in the past, but have always decided against it because of the noise.

H. versicolor is supposedly one of the louder north American species.

One tropical frog has been described as having a call like 'an outboard motor in a biscuit tin'- can't remember which one it was, though.
European Pelophylax species are very loud, but I think they'd be quite hard to find for sale in the USA.

Although the OP isn't in the USA. European import to Canada can be far cheaper and easier than USA import to Canada, due to the plethora of US red tape.

The best bet is probably reed or poison frogs, which might call more or less all year. For the most part, only male frogs call, and then mainly when breeding. Consequently, most frogs are silent most of the time. That might be just as well, since there's no shortage of frogs you wouldn't want to listen to. Kaloula pulchra, for instance, sounds like a rather loud cow...at 3am. The voices of many can be identified by their names: sheep, bull, bird-voice, carpenter, chorus, peeper, barking, bubbling, etc. On the whole, poison frogs have voices which are not terribly loud or abrasive, and the suggestions above might be among your best options
Although the OP isn't in the USA. European import to Canada can be far cheaper and easier than USA import to Canada, due to the plethora of US red tape.

The best bet is probably reed or poison frogs, which might call more or less all year. For the most part, only male frogs call, and then mainly when breeding. Consequently, most frogs are silent most of the time. That might be just as well, since there's no shortage of frogs you wouldn't want to listen to. Kaloula pulchra, for instance, sounds like a rather loud cow...at 3am. The voices of many can be identified by their names: sheep, bull, bird-voice, carpenter, chorus, peeper, barking, bubbling, etc. On the whole, poison frogs have voices which are not terribly loud or abrasive, and the suggestions above might be among your best options

Oops, I missed that. My iPad does this thing where it moves things around on websites, which can make it quite confusing! :p
Reed frogs and dart frogs are good suggestions, they are small and colourful with nice calls - and there's so many species of dart frog to choose from, so I'm sure you'd find a species you like.

I would suggest Grey Tree frogs (Hyla versicolor), often available CB and easy to keep. Their breeding calls are hilarious and adorable. Im also a big fan of toads; American and Woodhouse toads both make great pets and will call quite often in the spring.
You could also go for some kind of fire bellied toad, but they only call in the summer not the entire year. I aggree with Otoliths, I think Gray Tree frogs would be a great idea, they're a really nice species, easy to care for and have a nice call which they emit for many months of the year. I wish this species was available more in the UK as I'd love to have a little breeding group!

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What about quiet frogs? My landlady objects to frogs on grounds of the noise. Are there any quiet, diurnal frogs that don't do their calling at night?
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